A Walk With Jen, Inc.

Doesn't Your Pet Deserve It?

Welcome To My Mission & Pledge.....


have 2 dogs of my own and a previous owner of horses, guinea pigs, ferrets, and fish. I am bonded and insured through Pet Sitters International in which I am also a member. I have worked in two veterinary hosptials in the Montgomery County area for a total of five years, with Kennel and Veterinary Technician experience. I started my own business in March 2006, and I have lived in the Laytonsville/ Gaithersburg area my entire life.

My Mission

My mission is to provide you with peace of mind by offering the safety, love and attention you yourself give your pets. In your absence, your pets deserve the best caregiver you can find to care for them in their own home. If you need to be away for the day or for an extended business trip or vacation, if your pets get bored and lonely at home then my services are for you.  I will take care of your pets as if they were my own, putting their needs and comfort first.

Pet Sitters Pledge

I pledge to be honest, dependable and trustworthy. To care for each pet, as if it were my own. To protect, defend, play with and scratch behind the ears, all creatures in my care, with treats and walks for all!


"Pet Sitters Pledge" by Carol Mees, St. Louis Pet Sitters, St. Louis, MO
(Winner of the PSI 2005 Pet Sitter T-shirt Design Contest)